“After many years where administered assessments served only to highlight our son's academic deficits and diminish his self-belief, it was a wonderful experience for all of us when the SOI assessment highlighted areas we - and he - had no idea that he excelled in.”
— J, Renfrewshire
“As he embarked on the SOI course, his scores started to boost his confidence and I can tell you that after years of after-school tutoring sessions that were torturous for him, he happily goes into Jane's sessions and comes out feeling good about himself and his abilities.”
— Mrs T, Scotland
“As our son goes through really difficult mainstream exams, the SOI sessions with Jane are a much-needed counterbalance to keep his self-confidence up and help him realise that intelligence and ability come in many forms. We're excited to see how this SOI journey pans out for our son and ultimately, helps him reach his goals - so is Jane, she is so genuinely excited when he does well!”
— S's mum
The first phone call I received after launching the Structure Of Intellect (SOI) Program was from a worried mum of a 5 year old who was struggling at school. What started as a brief chat ended up as a one hour phone call, while Sharon explained to me the difficulties her son, Aster was having. Such were these challenges, Aster was now suffering from extreme school-based anxiety and could only rarely attend.
At this point, I should add that as a mum of neurodivergent children, what Sharon was telling me was neither shocking nor unfamiliar. Our lengthy conversation no doubt a result of her finding someone who 'gets it'!
We were approaching summer and Sharon was keen to see what SOI could do for her son prior to August, and the start of P2. I felt sure that we could make a difference but of course, as with all professional training, I had been primed to manage expectations. This is what is so exciting about what I do because deep down, I know the near-miracles that can happen; it's almost like I have this secret that I wait for others to find out! Aster's was the first of numerous clients for whom this would be true!
Aster has several neurodivergent traits, some diagnosed, and some not as yet. He is however diagnosed as autistic. He is a remarkable gentle, funny and unique wee boy and each week, my life is brightened when I see him. It has not always been plain sailing; the first challenge was getting Aster through the assessment. It wasn't simply that he couldn't understand instructions, he actually had no idea I was giving any. I set to work making games with cut out shapes and used these to show what each task involved. We got there. It took about 6 weeks, but we got there.
Aster's mapping showed pronounced cognitive challenges but this was just the start of our journey. Different to other assessments carried out in our society, with SOI immediately start work on weaker skills in order to improve them, allowing individuals to reach their potential in education and beyond. Each week, I was excited to see Aster as each week, he made progress. It takes patience and understanding to work with a child like Aster and every task needs careful explanation. This can take time too, but when it clicks, it really clicks and I receive the biggest, happiest, most beautiful smiles!
P2 has not been the struggle anticipated and Aster is progressing really well, especially emotionally which in my mind, is front and centre of everything I do. We are on a journey and I just know that while there will continue to be obstacles to navigate, Aster is learning how to approach them and his understanding of the world around him, including his role in it, is now a million miles ahead of where it was. Even better, he is still the same caring, funny we boy that I first met, just with much reduced anxiety and much improved cognition.
We will be working together for a while yet, and there is still more to be done, however the proof is there that this program works! Imagine if we could get this into every infant department in the land! Imagine how many lives would be different! If you would like to hear more about what I can do with Structure of Intellect, contact me today, let's start our own journey now.
When I met Eilidh, I was struck by how terrified and lost they looked. Accompanied by their mum, they stood as far away from me as possible, and spoke with a barely identifiable voice. As for 'eye-contact', if they could have managed to turn round and look at the wall, they would have done.
Autistic, dyspraxic, dyslexic, anxiety-ridden and with ADHD, Eilidh told me of their route through school; an extremely high achiever and member of Mensa in their early years, to catastrophic breakdown by the age of thirteen. This was a story I had heard many, many times. Tragic as it was, Eilidh's great sense of self alongside an infectious sense of humour began to shine through. This person had so much to offer the world and it was time to help them recognise it.
Eilidh hadn't been in school for years and by this time, was nearly 18. You may think that they would therefore have lost all ambition and drive, yet their goal in life, and still is, was to become a doctor.
What a privilege for me to be a small part of Eildih's journey!
Post assessment, we began working on a bespoke program designed to allow all Eilidh's cognitive skills to reach their maximum. There have been tasks that have been particularly challenging, but with a rare determination and drive to succeed, Eilidh is making huge strides. What's more, they are able to recognise the difference Structure of Intellect is making to their life. They are now holding down a demanding IT job, and their concentration now allows them to concentrate for longer, and read more text than ever before. Their confidence is soaring and at the age of 18, they are not only employed but also living independently and have mapped out their route to medicine. The time and effort this will involve has not deterred them so far, and I am in no doubt that they will succeed. What better way to prove all the doubters wrong! This is the spirit I love; every day they push themselves to gain that little bit of knowledge, confidence or skill, and it is plain to see.
Now, we have great conversations and as I always say, I feel I learn more from Eilidh than they do from me. That terrified person the day I started their SOI assessment is like a totally different person now......it is almost impossible to imagine it's the same Eilidh!
People often ask who can be helped by Structure of Intellect. My answer? EVERYONE! Contact me today for more information or just to hear more stories like Eildh's.