Jane Stratton Tutor and Cognitive Learning Specialist

(UK’s only licensed Structure of Intellect Systems (S.O.I.) trainer and assessor)

Jane Stratton is a highly experienced Cognitive Learning Specialist and has been a tutor specialising in ASN, especially neurodivergence, for 30 years.

Jane Stratton Smiling

Jane  is the UK's  first and only practitioner licensed to offer SOI System's assessment and training. Jane and her team are able to assess and support the learning skills of all children, young people and adults. This involves a thorough cognitive assessment, report, and personalised program to improve all skills as necessary. A unique service and the only of its kind in the UK, this aims to help numerous people reach their potential in education and beyond.

Jane specialises in working with those with neurodivergent conditions and many of her clients are autistic, dyslexic and/or have ADHD.

Jane also offers an extensive range of professional tutoring services, and firmly believes that every pupil is gifted,  aiming to build on their unique skills to increase self-belief, confidence and a love of learning in all its guises, allowing each to reach their true potential.

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Structure of Intellect

What is SOI?

Structure of Intellect (SOI) is a comprehensive program for individuals who may be finding school, college, university, or work life challenging. An award-winning program, it involves thorough assessment of each client's cognitive abilities, based on 5 key domains: Comprehension, Memory, Problem Solving, Creativity, and Critical Thinking. SOI assesses 90 cognitive learning abilities necessary for success at school and beyond, with a comprehensive report produced for each individual, and a bespoke programme developed to bridge any gaps identified. The programme involves about 80 hours of work on activities, lasting 6 to 18 months.

Who can SOI help?

Everyone! We all have skills that are exceptional, and skills that cause us to struggle. For some, this impacts daily life, causing learning or work life to fail. Unfortunately, despite the best will in the world, life seldom accommodates for this, and we are seeing more and more people out of school, out of work, and/or with mental health difficulties. An SOI assessment can help identify strengths and areas for improvement, leading back to a pathway for future success.

Jane works with many individuals with neurodivergent conditions, allowing them to reach the potential that others may not have believed possible.

History of SOI

SOI is a global program that originated in Oregon, USA. It was officially founded by Dr Mary Meeker and her husband, Dr Robert Meeker in 1965. These award-winning scientists developed the research-based SOI program to bridge cognitive gaps in education. The Meekers have proven the theory that intellectual abilities can be identified and improved.


According to them, successful learning requires different abilities, which have become the 5 key domains of SOI: Comprehension, Memory, Problem Solving, Creativity and Critical Thinking. SOI is globally recognised as a powerful tool enabling individuals to succeed in education, work and beyond. It is above all an exciting, beneficial, and positive way of approaching intelligence, learning and education.


Here is a selection of frequently asked questions about SOI

  • Can the SOI model help with anxiety and focus issues in neurodivergent learners?

    Yes, by improving attention control, memory, and processing skills, the SOI model helps alleviate cognitive overload, which can reduce anxiety and improve focus in neurodivergent individuals.

  • What specific cognitive challenges in ADHD can the SOI model help with?

    The SOI model addresses executive function, attention control, and working memory, helping individuals with ADHD manage impulsivity, focus, and planning skills.

  • Can the SOI model help people with dyslexia improve learning outcomes?

    Yes, the SOI model can identify weaknesses in visual processing and auditory memory, key areas where individuals with dyslexia often struggle, and offer tailored strategies for improvement.

  • How does the SOI model address cognitive flexibility in autistic individuals?

    The SOI model can help identify and strengthen areas of problem-solving, adaptability, and creative thinking, which are essential for cognitive flexibility in autistic individuals.

  • Can the SOI model assist with executive function challenges in neurodivergent individuals?

    Yes, the SOI model focuses on critical aspects of executive function, such as planning, organisation, and decision-making, which can significantly support neurodivergent individuals in their daily tasks.

  • How does the SOI model support the development of processing speed?

    By identifying specific deficits in processing speed, the SOI model helps to implement exercises and interventions that enhance cognitive efficiency, benefiting tasks that require quick thinking.

  • What role does the SOI model play in improving working memory for people with learning disabilities?

    The SOI model includes specific tasks and exercises designed to improve working memory, a critical area of difficulty for many individuals with learning disabilities.

  • What impact does the SOI model have on improving attention control and focus for neurodivergent individuals?

    Through targeted exercises, the SOI model enhances the ability to focus on tasks, filter distractions, and sustain attention for longer periods, benefiting individuals with ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent profiles.

  • What SOI tools are most effective for adults in the workplace?

    SOI tools that focus on decision-making, time management, and problem-solving are particularly effective for adults looking to improve workplace performance.

  • Can the SOI model be adapted to support individuals with cPTSD or trauma-related cognitive challenges?

    Yes, the SOI model can identify cognitive deficits caused by trauma and offer specific interventions to help rebuild memory, focus, and emotional regulation.

Still have a question?

Contact us for more information.


What does an SOI assessment include?

Thorough, comprehensive assessment to measure cognitive abilities.

Detailed assessment report and discussion of next steps.

Design of a bespoke, individualised programme.

80 hours of varied activities, both computer-based and workbook-based.

Regular progress reports.

Final comparative assessment and report.

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